This is a collection of guides with minimal explanation that I use as reference for my own benefit. The reason for the “minimally explained” bit is to keep it brief and fast to glance through. See the docs section for a list of contents. Feel free to open an issue on GitHub if you find anything to be incorrect or out of date.

About myself

I’m Christopher.

I’m a Software Engineer with over a decade of experience. I primarily focus on DevEx and system integrations. This means writing a lot of CLI tools, self-service UIs and infrastructure-as-code.

I write code in Python, Go, Typescript (Javascript)


The following is a list of personal projects.


Realtime chat over gRPC.

Motivation for this project came from wanting to learn more about using gRPC in the frontend and also learning more about PocketBase.

Svelte Go gRPC PocketBase Nats Redis

Task distributor

Asynchronous task runner.

Motivation for this project came wanting to learn more about RethinkDB and Nats.

Python RethinkDB Nats


A small UI for increasing the volume on video files.

Motivation for this project came from wanting to learn how to build desktop applications in Go.

Wails Go FFmpeg